How to make use of your network to develop a bigger one

If you want to grow your network, tap into the resources that you’ve already cultivated in it. One way to do this is by taking advantage of colleagues’ networks to meaningfully expand your own. 

The next time you are at an event with people you want to meet, look around to see if you know anyone who could offer a warm introduction. Not only is it easier to approach a semi-famous-person-in-your-field by tagging along to someone who already knows her, but you now come with a nice connection to an individual whom the semi-famous-person-in-your-field already knows. 

This doesn’t have to be done in a very formal way. You could go talk to the person you know and have her naturally introduce to whoever else she is talking to. You could also ask her specifically if she would mind introducing you to the semi-famous-person-in-your-field. If you’re at some kind of networking event, and the semi-famous-person-in-your-field is expecting to be meeting people, this can be a great way to get in. 

As networking is all about relationships and paying it forward, make sure that you offer this favor to others in your field, when you are the person with connections. These things have a way of coming back to you. 

How do you make use of your existing network to create a bigger one? Share your strategies with us below in the comments.

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