How to talk about your crappy job like it’s changing the world

There comes a time for everyone when you find yourself unsatisfied with the day to day of your job. Perhaps the job lost its luster 6 months in, or a change in leadership has you questioning your role. Whatever caused the shift in how you feel in your day to day, you can still talk about your work like it is of critical importance—both to the world and in your career

The way you frame what you do is important when networking (especially for your next job). Although your current job may bore or frustrate you, it is essential to frame what you do in the context of how it is meaningful to the world or to you. 

Perhaps you’re a host at a restaurant. You see the necessity of putting in some time as a host in order to eventually become a server, one of your career goals. While the duties of being a host are stressful, you can frame your current job as a host, as a critical stepping stone in your career. 

Maybe you manage events for a non-profit with a mission in which you believe. You may find yourself bored of your specific tasks planning events. However, framing your overall work as essential to furthering the mission of the organization helps to maintain your morale. It also shows others that you are making a difference in the world, and that you can find the silver lining in work that doesn’t always demand your highest intellectual capabilities.

Do you have experience framing your work in a way that sounds significant to the world, your field, or your career, even if the day to day assignments are a bore? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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