Growing into Power

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Why I’m in a relationship with my career

Image of desk with keyboard, planner, laptops and an arm reaching over them -

Whether you’re experiencing decision paralysis about the next step, or you’re just not sure where you are going, your career will not always be what it is today. Your career is something that you are in relationship withit’s not a stagnant experience. And thank goodness for that. Like all relationships, you and it will evolve and change and hopefully grow. At some moments in your life it will be the center of all that you are and at others it will take a back seat—and that’s all okay—as long as it’s on your terms and it’s okay with you. 

Some equations I’ve been thinking about to define my relationship to my career.

me ≠ my career

me + career = what I’m contributing to the world

If you’re feeling like your career is taking over your life and your equation looks more like: me < career, then maybe it’s time to reconsider your path and plans. Whether you’re feeling confusion, frustration or apathy about your relationship with your career, consider opening yourself up to new things, the most helpful ways you’ve coped with career funks in the past, and talking with someone who will bring out your best self.