Growing into Power

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What I’m taking away from the Women’s World Cup win

This team is amazing—and I barely watch sports. Aside from being onboard with the team’s politics about equal pay advocacy and LGBTQ equality, I’m struck by something else about what they achieved. 

I took this photo after stumbling on the parade on my way to work. I have to tell you, I didn’t even notice that the Mayor or Governor were in the parade because I was so focused on watching these women. Beyonce’s “Runs the World (Girls)” was playing in the background so it seemed fitting that we stop paying attention to all the men. For once.

Their ability to function as a team is what made that win possible. The coach and captain have talked about this—about their respect for each other as both teammates and as people. I think this key is actually one that can be applied to professional teams around the world, in every field. It may sound a little cheesy—and sure a major team sport win will do that to you—but seriously, their emphasis on teamwork as parallel in importance to their discipline and hard work should not be overlooked. To me, this is a story about what a team of professionals can do when they deeply respect each other, have to lean on each other, and understand that none is above the rest. 

That teamwork is also what’s admired by so many girls around the world. I watched a news show cover a group of teenage girls on their way to the Ticker Tape Parade. They were asked what they admired most about these women and a girl stated that she was in awe of the way they work together. I’m so glad she’s noticing that that is what is special here. Because I’m out of my adolescence and would tell her that such a level of teamwork is hard to come by in professional spaces. Perhaps if our young people had more exposure to these models and to training in this kind of humble leadership, our teams would be transformed when they enter the workforce.

Ticker tape being thrown by the guy on the roof.