How to deal with having low self esteem at your new job

Starting a new job? Feeling good because you beat out all the other candidates and maybe you even negotiated for a higher rate? I hate to burst the bubble but as you step into your new role there’s likely going to be a shift in your confidence

You are going from feeling really good about yourself to a brand new culture with systems that are foreign and people who you don’t know. 

Don’t overthink it! Know that it is totally normal have a dip in your self esteem in the early stages of a job. Not knowing what departmental abbreviations stand for or how to book a conference room does not mean you should doubt your worth or qualifications for the job. Don’t beat yourself up because of silly learning curves related to making copies and following the volley of conversations when others aren’t providing you context. 

You are bound to feel dumb in the first few weeks or months of your new role. But please let these feelings be fleeting. You are not really dumb. In fact you’re probably learning pretty quickly but it can be easy to simply focus on the moments when you feel unprepared, confused and behind. You will eventually learn how to get what you need efficiently but for now, just sponge up what you can, ask questions, and don’t apply too much meaning to those moments when you don’t know something trivial.

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