4 things to include in your resume that show you are well connected



Want some tangible tips about how to make your resume speak to your strong professional network? You’re in the right place.

1. Think about the interagency collaborations of which you’ve been a part. Do you chair a committee with representatives from several similar organizations? Do you sit on a panel of reviewers for new training initiatives in your field? 

2. What about your network within your organization? Perhaps you are on a workgroup that is integrating several programs into one. Or you joined an interdepartmental team that is working on changing the culture of your office. 

For the items above, these committees or workgroups are likely included in the job descriptions of your individual roles. However, teasing them out and including them in a section called, “Special Projects” highlights that you’ve been busy advancing your field outside of your routine job responsibilities.

3. Another thing to include in that Special Projects section could be interviews that the media has done with you. Include a link to the article or recording if possible. Media attention points to you as someone to watch, and someone who is getting her name and ideas out there.

4. Finally, include conference presentations to show that you are a thought leader in your region, the country, or even around the globe. Presenting at a conference is no small feat—the value of conferences is the knowledge and facilitation of ideas that people like you bring.

Your career is more than the sum of your last few jobs. Show others about the value you bring beyond what you do from 9 to 5.

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