Why some people need to be fired



Firing employees is never fun. Getting yourself prepared to deliver the termination message is also not an easy task. Below are 4 reasons to remember why cutting the cord can be a difficult but necessary thing

  1. Firing someone who is not performing sets example for the rest of your team about what is not acceptable. The act of terminating someone shows others the gravity of violating the rules or not performing.
  2. Firing someone affirms your team’s belief that good work and professionalism are valued. Why should someone who is not performing get to stay if her peers are exceeding her?
  3. Firing someone lets that person know that something needs to change. This termination may serve as a wake up call, by providing a life lesson about what is not acceptable at work.
  4. Firing someone who is not performing or who is not behaving professionally is in the best interest of your company. If you believe in the company, and you want it to succeed, keeping toxic staff working is actually going to stand in the way achieving your mission.

What do you remind yourself about why firing someone is for the best? Share with us in the comments below.

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