5 reasons a promotion means you’re killing it

I’ve been promoted 5 times in my career. As a manager, I’ve promoted others 7 times. Whether you’re getting promoted or promoting someone else, it’s important to recognize why promotions are no small feat. The act of a promotion is packed with significance.

Promotions mean that…

1. People above you believe in you. Your hard work, brilliance and competence have been recognized. What a great vote of confidence! You’re on top of the world!

2. People above you see your potential. You’ve demonstrated that not only can you be a rock star at your current job, you have the intellectual capacity and technical abilities to excel at something else—something harder. Being promoted indicates that people above you want to challenge to you. They believe you are up for a challenge, and are confident about your abilities to excel at that challenge. 

3. People above you want to keep you and your talent. When a manager finds good talent, she preserves it, nurtures it, and tries to satisfy its need to grow. Being promoted indicates that people are aware of your talents and your ability to take them elsewhere. Promoting you can be a way of recognizing talent and feeding its growth.

4. People above you trust you with a higher level of work. Maybe you oversee more departments or maybe you’re now on the leadership team making decisions that impact the whole company. Whatever the case, the powers that be trust you to do this level of work

5. People above you know your name and your work. The interview and negotiation processes put your name on the map with leadership. Even if you don’t meet with an executive during the interview, chances are that they see your name come up in discussions or on paperwork regarding this promotion. This publicity is priceless.

What does a promotion mean to you? Share with us below.

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