Growing into Power

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How not to forget about assignments that you’ve delegated

When you supervise a team, it can be tricky to find the best way to stay on top of assignments that you’ve delegated. You want that nice balance of knowing they’re working on those tasks, but you don’t need to get involved in actually doing the tasks. 

I’ve found that balance by keeping individual to do lists for each of my staff members, or each of my colleagues to whom I delegate. This way I am less likely to forget the tasks that I’ve delegated, and the tasks are more likely to get completed on time.

Each of these to do lists, separate from my own, has the staff member’s initials at the top. As I give them assignments during their supervisions, or in other meetings, I add them to their respective list. I keep their to do lists paper clipped to my own to do list so it’s handy when something comes up. It also provides a really easy way for me to be prepared for their supervisions. I have a quick reference to items on which I’m awaiting updates. Even if a task slips their mind, it doesn’t slip mine.

How do you keep track of assignments that you’ve delegated to others? Share with us below!